k-pop totally stole my attention
it's like i'm still amazed by their all-packaged concept, good looking with the not bad until fantastic singing skill, great dancing and stage act, acting, being an MC, comedian, and so forth.
then i suddenly got slapped in the face when i read an article, coming from a famous american band front man, Mr X. he said music should be coming from inside you, playing the guitar, drum, bass in the garage and blending it with the vocal, not from a music competition, so people are designing you.
k-pop is even worse
i read a lot of articles, watching a lot of their reality shows, browsing a lot of investigation videos about what is actually behind this k-pop invasion
mainly, they just get the song from the composer, copying the dance from their choreographer, shows good faces and body complexion (tons of them got plastic surgery as we all know) so people will see them as a whole package, just like me
i even reached the stage when i personally thought that they're all just fake entertainer, act like a doll that is played by their big agencies
but then,
i actually forgot. they're all the hardworker people.
don't you ever think to place yourself as them?
actually i wrote this because i saw a video. i use youtube to find an answer about a girl named Goo Hara, a member of girl group called KARA. she was bashed like crazy just because she was the first idol who revealed her plastic surgery in 2010. it was like opening the biggest public secret. yeah, you're not reading it wrongly. she admitted her undergo-knife procedure that was a taboo topic to be told. in that period. and the latest issue was about her emotional explosion in a program.
people are judging her as a plastic idol. and an immature idol.
so, please, can you take a look at tons of other idol groups before judging her so hard?
personally i don't defend her, like agreeing about plastic surgery is a right thing to do. but still, look at her deeply.
Goo Hara was coming from a broken family, she had been living in poverty until she reached her dreams with KARA. she worked so hard to reach her dream as an entertainer. you can check immediately in youtube about her predebut auditions. so it's basically understandable if she has some sensitive topics about her life.
I respect her and her decision about her plastic surgery eventhough i disagree with that. again, another personally opinion, she was originally beautiful even before her plastic surgery.
we may disagree about their (Goo Hara and hundreds of idol group out there) decision about some sensitive topics like plastic surgery, but still we may not forget that their sweat and tears are the main building blocks of their talents. they're not just simply performing without undergoing some hard training periods.
I think what the front man X said is partially true but not all of them are true.
my main goal here is to make people awakened about what is dreaming means and learn from them that they're working so hard to reach their dreams while creating another dream to be reached. human cannot survive without hope, right?
PS : this video is about Goo Hara. I got teary-eyed after watching this, i never thought that some of the idols are having a hard life like her
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Google Translate is a blessed
It was a cloudy Friday. I went
down to the canteen, having lunch like usual, being alone when people were
going to Bandung. I ate pecel, my favorite food that always can bring me home
once i feel the bumbu kacang melt in my tounge.
It was a common Friday.
Suddenly Mr Bagus, the
electricity man here, came with a native Japanese that worked for
earthquake-models-of-house project near my dorm. He talked to the Japanese man but
i think Mr xxxxx didn’t really understand english, so Mr Bagus was going back
forth hardly explaining something. Mr Bagus asked me and Kak Ayu also Kak Ega –the
owner of the canteen—to help him talking with the Japanese man. Mr Bagus said
the Japanese man was sick, he had stomachace but Mr Bagus couldn’t help him
because his english was really limited.
The Japanese man said with his
english-japanese languange he had medicine in his room. We wanted to ask him
what medicine did he use. Kak Ega even had an idea to give him an Indonesian
medicine. Then finally an idea popped-up in my head : ‘Kak Ayu please turn on
your laptop, we can communicate with him through Google Translate i think’
The stroy started here.
We typed some sentences then he answered
them with nodding or said no, yes, and just some simple confirmation or denial
like that. We offered him a bowl of porridge but he refused. He said he just
wanted to drink pocari sweat because he often went to the bathroom which means
he had diarrhea. He hadn’t have food today, he just ate a can of fruit coctail
this morning and his sickness was getting worst. He typed in google translate
that he actually brought a lot of ramen and curry but his electricity stuff for
heating water was broken so he couldn’t eat. He even asked about moving to a new
Mr Bagus said it was not the room’s
electricity nor his water heater that broken. Japanese electicity would work in
110v but here in Indonesia we used 220v, that’s why his water heater did not
work. Mr Bagus promised would buy him a new water heater that made in Indonesia
so he could boil water in his room. We still forced him to eat because he
looked so pale. Finally he ate a small bowl of porridge and a cup of hot tea
without any hesitation when he touched the bowl and the cup. I had just realize
that Japanese people loved hot food, he didn’t know that he could order hot
menu too because he could not communicate with others here.
He told us that it was his first
time coming to Indonesia. Ah, that’s why he knew nothing about Bahasa, totally
different with his 2 friends that could speak Bahasa a bit like using some
simple words, ‘tolong’ , ‘pesan’, etc. He was a kind person and also a shy one.
He looked young compared to his 2 friends that looked more senior than him.
He thanked us a lot by keep
bowing and nodding his head and said terima kasih. He typed he felt better
because the food was warm. Kak Ayu replied that if he wanted to eat, he could
come here and ordered another porridge and tea. After the conversation ended,
he typed he would go back to his job then he walked to the construction place
Today i learned something
We’re all human, no matter where
we are, where we came, who we are, what colors we are, black white mongoloid or
maybe have a combination of chinese and pakistan like me hahahah. Language is separating us
from communicating, but it doesn’t affect on our core destiny that human will
always can communicate each other even just with body language or the help of technology
like google translate.
I feel happy because it’s my first time interacting with people who
don’t speak english. So much fun kkkk i wonder how it feels if i join a summer
school or a homestay in Japan or Korea ^^
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
the mission
Ceritanya, anda adalah seorang pelajar yang direkrut secara rahasia untuk ditraining dalam akademi scientist dan engineering yang nantinya akan melanjutkan misi menyelamatkan dunia. Sekarang, keadaan dunia semakin kritis terutama tempat dimana anda tinggal. Kewajiban anda adalah belajar semakin keras untuk menyusul sebagai anggota tim kecil yang akan dinaikkan ke tahap training level 3. Tahap seleksi yang cukup ketat menanti anda.
-ketika motivasi datang dari mana saja termasuk khayalan anda yang menurut perspektif orang lain agak gila
-ketika motivasi datang dari mana saja termasuk khayalan anda yang menurut perspektif orang lain agak gila
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
music bank jakarta 2013
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the ticket! (maafkan backgroundnya ya haha) |
ketika salah satu mimpi
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me and my lovely-partner-in-kpop-that-also-my-sister mb puan ^^ |
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sapphire blue ocean in gelora bung karno |
dari tempat saya, muka oppadeul nggak keliatan. saya akhirnya menyadari kalo saya membeli tiket untuk suasana konsernyaaaaaaa hahaha luarr biasa, begini toh rasanya fangirling secara live bersama sejuta umat kpopers kkkkkk
di belakang saya ada grup fanboy teentop, serong saya ada fanboy sistar yang hafal semua fanchant dan ga bisa berhenti teriak 'soyuuuuuu soyuuuuuuuuu'
kiri saya ada shawol yang bahkan berstatus ibu-ibu, hebohnya amazing
kalo saya sendiri, err, saya berfandom bunglon hahahah
urusan lightstick, saya bawa 1 biji bertuliskan 'kyu' in hangul (규) tapi urusan teriak dan fanchant, saya teriak semua kkkkk mian :p
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tidak hentinya mengangkat banner ini :") |
setelah dateng music bank, saya tergiur untuk mcountdown 3 juli nanti, but...........
lihat saja lah nanti, kalau rejekinya ya saya nonton lagi AMIIN :p
Monday, March 18, 2013
concert : backstage
Oh! tanggal 17 yah?
Saya blm cerita tentang apa yang terjadi di tanggal 17 bulan
lalu. Iya, 17 Februari 2013.
OMG ini salah satu goal yang pernah saya tulis di buku saya,
jaman saya masih tpb cupu parah
“mau main di konser ISO”
*********** Hari H ************************
Akhirnya apa yang kita perjuangkan selama ini, terjadi juga.
Kebayang kata2nya kak Arya pas latihan. Baru ini saya bisa
mendengar apa yang pengen saya dengar. Saya pengen ngobrolin musik tapi susah
banget gimana caranya ngomongin musik yang bukan cuma ‘lagu ini enak loh’ tapi
ngomongin apa yang diceritakan musik itu, sharing tentang nada2 yang sebenernya
‘mereka itu ngomong’, bukan sekedar dimainkan dan bisa didengar. Mereka
menuntun kita ke sebuah cerita.
Pengalaman paling unik buat saya adalah nonton konser
dari backstage. Dimana-mana orang rebutan bayar buat nonton dari depan, tapi
kita bisa dapet nonton yang lebih dari yang di depan, di belakang, hahaha
Liat nervousnya pemain sambil nunggu giliran main, liat yang
hectic nyiapin partitur, ikutan cemas ngeliat respon penonton, berdoa bareng, tuning
alat musik, seru sekali xD
Yang lebih lagi adalah pas ‘menonton’ konser itu dari atas
panggung, alias menjadi pemain. Apa yang kita dengar sangat jernih dan jelas.
Apa yang kita bisa liat jauh lebih clear dari penonton manapun : ekspresi
masing2 pemain dan ekspresi conductor. Rasanya mau main, jelas, deg-deg-an.
Tapi tangan gaboleh sampe dingin atau paling parah sampe kaku. Maksain senyum
padahal isi perut udah loncat kemana-mana. Nggak bisa makan sebelum main, nggak
laper sama sekali padahal sehari baru makan sekali. Merasa sok nyaman dengan
kostum padahal benci banget pake rok ditambah flat shoes -__-
Dari atas stage sih keliatan penonton row depan2 aja, itu
juga remang2 gelap. Agak mengurangi nervous, eh tapi langsung inget kalo mereka
bisa liat ke kita jelas banget. So,
behave! Tuner udah tersangkut oke, footstool udah oke, partitur, oh,
partiturnya blur! Karena lighting yang remang2, partitur jadi agak ga keliatan.
Mampus padahal tadi sore pas gladi udah oke tapi sekarang ga keliatan. Agak
komat kamit bacanya tapi untunglah agak hafal, jadi yaaa bisa main
Alhamdulillah C:
Lagu pertama, aragonaise.
Lagu kedua, harvest moon. Moodnya bagus banget lah pas lagu
ini, saya sih ngerasanya main sambil goyang-goyang ngikutin tempo haha tapi
ternyata nihil, di rekaman wajah saya tegang abis kayak anak kecil habis curi
permen temennya trus ga ngaku -___-
Prok prok prok, bow, conductor 1 pergi.
Conductor kedua datang.
Fyi, 2 lagu yang bakal dimainin adalah 2 lagu favorit saya
sepanjang konser. Pavane for a dead princess, yang kedua paranoid android. Pas
pavane, sumpah dari atas panggung kedengeran banget gimana anak2 gitar 2 sukses
‘nge-pretelin’ tuh senar sampe clear banget suaranya. Pavane terbagus yang
pernah saya denger, bahkan dibandingin versi orchestra yang saya tonton2 di
utube, ini jauh lebih bagus. Merinding...
Paranoid Android-nya, hmm, dari stage sih kedengeran bagus
banget. Apalagi pas strings masuk :’) tapi agak aneh juga sih, pas nonton
recordingnya, lah, berasa kosong. Cuma nendang pas endingnya doang. Hipotesis
saya sih, karena itu direkam pake alat dan nggak didengerin langsung pake kuping,
jadi efek dramatisnya hilang hehe
Konser selesai juga
Ah selesai. Nasib saya gimana dong? Saya lanjut lagi ga ya
main disini? Kedepannya saya pasti bakal mikir 1000 kali buat ikutan event yang
mengharuskan saya bolak balik sampe brekele gini. Dan pasti bakal banyak urusan
lain yang terutama akademik .
Yang jelas, saya terima kasih banget sama anak2 ISO udah mau
mengiyakan saya main di GPC 2013 ini, meskipun ga serajin anak2 lain dateng
latihannya. Makasi banget udah ngasih saya kesempatan buat mendengar hal2 yang
jarang sekali bisa didengar : good music, good advices, good spirit.
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'keep making music, not just playing guitar' |
perkenalkan, partner saya selama kurang lebih 6 tahun ini ^^
*hug* |
Thursday, January 3, 2013
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